Zymine Syrup

health care

Pronunciation: trye-PROE-li-deen

Generic Name: Triprolidine

Brand Name: Zymine

Zymine Syrup is used for:

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Preventing or treating symptoms of hay fever and other upper respiratory allergies or the common cold, such as runny nose, sneezing, itching of the nose and throat, and itchy, watery eyes, and relieving cough. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.

Zymine Syrup is an antihistamine. It works by blocking the action of histamine, reducing the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Do NOT use Zymine Syrup if:

* you are allergic to any ingredient in Zymine Syrup or other similar medicines

* you are taking sodium oxybate (GHB)

Contact your doctor or health care provider right away if any of these apply to you.

Before using Zymine Syrup:

Some medical conditions may interact with Zymine Syrup. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have any medical conditions, especially if any of the following apply to you:

* if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding

* if you are taking any prescription or nonprescription medicine, herbal preparation, or dietary supplement

* if you have allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances

* if you have a fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat

* if you have a history of asthma; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); chronic bronchitis; lung problems (eg, emphysema); shortness of breath; sleep apnea; heart blood vessel problems; stroke; seizures; a blockage of your stomach, intestine, or bladder; difficulty urinating; diabetes; ulcers; an enlarged prostate or other prostate problems; glaucoma; heart problems; high blood pressure; porphyria; phenylketonuria; or an overactive thyroid

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52 Simple Ways to Be Healthier

your mind

Big changes are often daunting and hard to fold into your everyday life; they are simply not sustainable. Try a new healthy habit a week. These are small changes that can make a big impact on not only your health, but the environment’s health as well. Tape these easy tips to your refrigerator and read weekly!

1. Drink 8 glasses of pure water a day.

2. Get rid of any junk food in your house. If it’s not there, don’t go get it.

3. Limit your caffeine intake: 1-2 cups of coffee a day.

4. Plan your weekly meals on your day off.

5. Spend 30 minutes twice a week cutting up fresh veggies to have them ready at all times.

6. Keep seasonal fruit at home and eat it when you’re hungry or when a sweet tooth strikes.

7. Substitute raw nuts and seeds for processed granola bars.

8. Don’t drink alcohol on an empty stomach; it’s hard on your stomach and burns up B vitamins.

9. Eat raw vegetables every day. Raw veggies contain important enzymes that can be lost when they’re cooked.

10. Purchase as much of your food organic as you can. Your body will appreciate it as will our planet.

11. Next time you make cookies or cake, substitute half of the butter with applesauce, pumpkin or prune puree. Less fat; more nutrients.

12. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

13. Vary your food; if you eat it today, don’t eat it for 4 days.

14. Different colored food has different nutrients, so eat from the rainbow. Red peppers, orange carrots, green kale, etc.

15. Thicken soups with pureed beans. Delicious and added nutrition.

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your doctor

Pronunciation: flur-AZ-e-pam

Generic Name: Flurazepam

Brand Name: Dalmane

Dalmane is used for:

Treating sleep disorders. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.

Dalmane is a benzodiazepine. It works by depressing the central nervous system (brain), causing drowsiness to aid in falling asleep.

Do NOT use Dalmane if:

* you are allergic to any ingredient in Dalmane

* you are pregnant

* you have acute narrow-angle glaucoma, severe liver disease, or a mental state in which contact with reality is lost (psychosis)

* you are taking an HIV protease inhibitor (eg, ritonavir) or sodium oxybate (GHB)

Contact your doctor or health care provider right away if any of these apply to you.

Before using Dalmane:

Some medical conditions may interact with Dalmane. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have any medical conditions, especially if any of the following apply to you:

* if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding

* if you are taking any prescription or nonprescription medicine, herbal preparation, or dietary supplement

* if you have allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances

* if you have glaucoma or a predisposition for glaucoma, kidney or liver problems, lung problems or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), muscle problems, poor health, depression, suicidal tendencies, the blood disorder porphyria, or a history of substance abuse or dependence

Some MEDICINES MAY INTERACT with Dalmane. Tell your health care provider if you are taking any other medicines, especially any of the following:

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Hypothesis Vs. Theory

between these stages

The aim of the hypothesis vs theory comparison presented in this article is to clarify the difference between these two stages of scientific analysis. A glance through the article will completely clarify the difference between hypothesis and theory.

As a student of science and a rational human being, it’s your right to question everything and strive to find answers on your own through research. ‘Doubt’ is the most sacred thing for a scientist and a follower of the scientific method. This doubt keeps you on your toes when you feel like surrendering or believing in something at face value without adequate scientific research. As scientists, we constantly strive to create a coherent picture of the world, as we know it by piecing together one fact at a time, through theorizing and experimentation. Every experiment in science is aimed towards proving a hypothesis, which will validate it into a theory. In the following lines, I present a hypothesis vs theory comparison, which distinguishes the two concepts clearly.

Scientific Hypothesis Vs Theory Comparison

Scientific method is all about providing a causal explanation for every phenomena we observe in nature. When we see something happening around us, there is an inherent need to make sense of it. To come up with a rationale that explains any phenomenon in nature, you have to imagine and make a causal connection of things. Let us see when and how a rationale for a phenomenon qualifies to be called a hypothesis or a theory. To begin with, let us define the two concepts clearly.

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How to Care for Your Kitten

your kitten

If you have a new kitten in the house, then you know there are some possessions in your cozy home that can pose as a definite threat to your new small animal. A kitten’s behavior can be compared to a small child. Just like children, kittens love to explore their surroundings and before you know it, your kitten is in every nook and cranny imaginable and potentially a compromising situation.

Daily Dangers

Household dangers may include furniture, toilets, electrical cords, windows, medicines and cleaners. Of course, there are windows and electrical cords in just about every room of your house.

Windows pose as major threat for sun-bathing kittens, as they may accidentally fall or escape through an open window. Make sure all of your windows have screens and are fastened securely. Electrical cords can easily be chewed on by kittens and ultimately cause a fatal electric shock. Prevent your kitten from electrocuting himself by wrapping cords up tightly and even hiding them inside runners that can be purchased at a hardware store.

like most

Just like most animals, your kitten may think the toilet is a popular watering hole. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Thirsty kittens may drown in open toilet bowls or even poisoned by an automatic toilet bowl cleanser. To prevent this, keep the toilet seat down at all times and be sure the whole family is on board.

Medicines and cleaners are a little easier to keep out of reach of your kitten. If your family is like most families, you have specific places where these materials are kept. Cleaning products and medications can cause digestive upset or even fatally poison kittens that accidentally lick, drink or eat them. Keep the caps of all your cleaning products and medications fastened tightly and stored in hard to reach places.

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17 Nutrition and Weight Loss Tips from Gabby Reece

meals avoid

The way that the food world is set up it’s no wonder we are all reaching for too much of the wrong foods. There are days I stop and look around and think to myself “there is nothing to eat”.

Of course this is an exaggeration, but it does feel like you can get the ZAP no matter what food you eat; meaning, that ‘ZAP…wrong’ when you think you are eating healthy.

*How about this yummy protein bar? ZAP!

(Bars can have tons of sugar and ingredients you can’t pronounce)

*How about this frozen food meal that has limited calories? ZAP!

(Frozen meals often contain very little nutritional value and lack vitamins, minerals, and enzymes).

*How about this delicious low calorie drink that is “organic” and better than soda? Zap! (Drinks can contain 35+ grams of sugar that have the capacity to convert to calories in the body). Ow…didn’t even see that one coming.

It can be overwhelming especially if you are trying to do all of this with little time, high stress, demanding taste buds, and for a low price. Want to eat healthier and deal with a few extra pounds? Keep it simple and don’t get sucked into the nutritional black hole!

1. Drink water only.

2. If you love your coffee in the morning enjoy it and be mindful of all the “extras” that can add up the calories.

3. Eat half of what is on your dinner plate.

4. Avoid tons of processed foods (things that can live on the shelf or in a freezer for years and years).

5. Try to prepare your meals and avoid doing too much or any microwaving.

6. Unless you are on the road then stay away from food you can get in your car and out of a window. NO DRIVE THRU!

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How Probiotics Benefit Vaginal Health

bacterial vaginosis

Studies have shown that a woman’s vagina contains many different kinds of bacteria, and these forms of bacteria make up what is called vaginal flora. When the vaginal flora is in balance the vagina is considered healthy; however, many external factors cause an imbalance in this flora, leading to vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis.

The leading external factors that change this normal vaginal flora are puberty, wearing synthetic pantyhose, and having unprotected sex.

Other principal factors such as douching and feminine products have been known to flush out normal bacteria and the protective mucus lining in the vagina, resulting in irritation and bacteria growth.

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis:

Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant “fishy” odor

When urinating, a burning sensation

Vaginal itching and burning

Naturally treating bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis can become very embarrassing for some women due to the symptoms it presents, but luckily there are some natural ways to combat it. Eating foods like plain yogurt, which contains lactobacillus acidophilus, or orally taking a probiotic pill can help with vaginal itching and burning. Orally taking lactobacillus acidophilus in pill form has also been used as a treatment for vaginal irritation.

Preventing bacterial vaginosis

Some women find that they continually contract bacterial vaginosis. Here are some hygiene suggestions for good vaginal health that may help:

bacterial vaginosis

Avoid spreading bacteria from the rectum to the vagina by wiping from front to back after bowel movements

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with your doctor

Pronunciation: TRAZ-oh-done

Generic Name: Trazodone

Brand Name: Desyrel

Antidepressants may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts or actions in children, teenagers, and young adults. However, depression and certain other mental problems may also increase the risk of suicide. Talk with the patient’s doctor to be sure that the benefits of using Desyrel outweigh the risks.

Families and caregivers must closely watch patients who take Desyrel. It is important to keep in close contact with the patient’s doctor. Tell the doctor right away if the patient has symptoms like worsened depression, suicidal thoughts, or changes in behavior. Discuss any questions with the patient’s doctor.

Desyrel is used for:

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Treating depression. It may also be used for relief of an anxiety disorder (eg, sleeplessness, tension), chronic pain. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.

Desyrel is an antidepressant. It is thought to work by increasing the activity of one of the brain chemicals (serotonin), which helps elevate mood.

Do NOT use Desyrel if:

* you are allergic to any ingredient in Desyrel or to nefazodone

* you are taking sodium oxybate (GHB) or tryptophan

* you are taking a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) (eg, phenelzine), or you have taken an MAOI within the past 14 days

Contact your doctor or health care provider right away if any of these apply to you.

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